
Sunday 16 February 2020

Disk Scheduling Algorithms

Disk Scheduling
As we know, a process needs two type of time, CPU time and IO time. For I/O, it requests the Operating system to access the disk.However, the operating system must be fare enough to satisfy each request and at the same time, operating system must maintain the efficiency and speed of process execution.The technique that operating system uses to determine the request which is to be satisfied next is called disk scheduling.
Seek Time
Seek time is the time taken in locating the disk arm to a specified track where the read/write request will be satisfied.
Rotational Latency
It is the time taken by the desired sector to rotate itself to the position from where it can access the R/W heads.
Transfer Time
It is the time taken to transfer the data.
Disk Access Time
Disk access time is given as,
Disk Access Time = Rotational Latency + Seek Time + Transfer Time
Disk Response Time
It is the average of time spent by each request waiting for the IO operation.
Purpose of Disk Scheduling
The main purpose of disk scheduling algorithm is to select a disk request from the queue of IO requests and decide the schedule when this request will be processed.
Goal of Disk Scheduling Algorithm
  • Fairness
  • High throughout
  • Minimal traveling head time
Disk Scheduling Algorithms
The list of various disks scheduling algorithm is given below. Each algorithm is carrying some advantages and disadvantages. The limitation of each algorithm leads to the evolution of a new algorithm.
  • FCFS scheduling algorithm
  • SSTF (shortest seek time first) algorithm
  • SCAN scheduling
  • C-SCAN scheduling
  • LOOK Scheduling
  • C-LOOK scheduling
 FCFS scheduling algorithm
It is the simplest Disk Scheduling algorithm. It services the IO requests in the order in which they arrive. There is no starvation in this algorithm, every request is serviced.


The scheme does not optimize the seek time.
The request may come from different processes therefore there is the possibility of inappropriate movement of the head.

       Consider a disk queue with requests for I/O to blocks on cylinders 98, 183, 41, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67. The FCFS scheduling algorithm is used. The head is initially at cylinder number 53. The cylinders are numbered from 0 to 199. The total head movement (in number of cylinders) incurred while servicing these requests is _______.

Number of cylinders moved by the head
= (98 – 53) + (183 – 98) + (183 – 41) + (122 – 41) + (122 – 14) + (124 – 14) + (124 – 65) + (67 – 65)
= 45 + 85 + 142 + 81 + 108 + 110 + 59 + 2
= 632

SSTF Scheduling Algorithm
Shortest seek time first (SSTF) algorithm selects the disk I/O request which requires the least disk arm movement from its current position regardless of the direction. It reduces the total seek time as compared to FCFS.
It allows the head to move to the closest track in the service queue.
It may cause starvation for some requests.
Switching direction on the frequent basis slows the working of algorithm.
It is not the most optimal algorithm.
       Consider a disk queue with requests for I/O to blocks on cylinders 98, 183, 41, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67. The SSTF scheduling algorithm is used. The head is initially at cylinder number 53 moving towards larger cylinder numbers on its servicing pass. The cylinders are numbered from 0 to 199. The total head movement (in number of cylinders) incurred while servicing these requests is _______.

Total head movements incurred while servicing these requests
= (65 – 53) + (67 – 65) + (67 – 41) + (41 – 14) + (98 – 14) + (122 – 98) + (124 – 122) + (183 – 124)
= 12 + 2 + 26 + 27 + 84 + 24 + 2 + 59

= 236

SCAN and C-SCAN algorithm
Scan Algorithm
It is also called as Elevator Algorithm. In this algorithm, the disk arm moves into a particular direction till the end, satisfying all the requests coming in its path,and then it turns back and moves in the reverse direction satisfying requests coming in its path.
It works in the way an elevator works, elevator moves in a direction completely till the last floor of that direction and then turns back.
       Consider a disk queue with requests for I/O to blocks on cylinders 98, 183, 41, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67. The SCAN scheduling algorithm is used. The head is initially at cylinder number 53 moving towards larger cylinder numbers on its servicing pass. The cylinders are numbered from 0 to 199. The total head movement (in number of cylinders) incurred while servicing these requests is _______.

Total head movements incurred while servicing these requests
= (65 – 53) + (67 – 65) + (98 – 67) + (122 – 98) + (124 – 122) + (183 – 124) + (199 – 183) + (199 – 41) + (41 – 14)
= 12 + 2 + 31 + 24 + 2 + 59 + 16 + 158 + 27
= 331

Total head movements incurred while servicing these requests
= (199 – 53) + (199 – 14)
= 146 + 185

= 331

C-SCAN algorithm
In C-SCAN algorithm, the arm of the disk moves in a particular direction servicing requests until it reaches the last cylinder, then it jumps to the last cylinder of the opposite direction without servicing any request then it turns back and start moving in that direction servicing the remaining requests.
       Consider a disk queue with requests for I/O to blocks on cylinders 98, 183, 41, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67. The C-SCAN scheduling algorithm is used. The head is initially at cylinder number 53 moving towards larger cylinder numbers on its servicing pass. The cylinders are numbered from 0 to 199. The total head movement (in number of cylinders) incurred while servicing these requests is _______.

Total head movements incurred while servicing these requests
= (65 – 53) + (67 – 65) + (98 – 67) + (122 – 98) + (124 – 122) + (183 – 124) + (199 – 183) + (199 – 0) + (14 – 0) + (41 – 14)

= 12 + 2 + 31 + 24 + 2 + 59 + 16 + 199 + 14 + 27
= 386

Total head movements incurred while servicing these requests
= (199 – 53) + (199 – 0) + (41 – 0)
= 146 + 199 + 41
= 386

Look Scheduling
It is like SCAN scheduling Algorithm to some extant except the difference that, in this scheduling algorithm, the arm of the disk stops moving inwards (or outwards) when no more request in that direction exists. This algorithm tries to overcome the overhead of SCAN algorithm which forces disk arm to move in one direction till the end regardless of knowing if any request exists in the direction or not.

Consider a disk queue with requests for I/O to blocks on cylinders 98, 183, 41, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67. The LOOK scheduling algorithm is used. The head is initially at cylinder number 53 moving towards larger cylinder numbers on its servicing pass. The cylinders are numbered from 0 to 199. The total head movement (in number of cylinders) incurred while servicing these requests is _______.

Total head movements incurred while servicing these requests
= (65 – 53) + (67 – 65) + (98 – 67) + (122 – 98) + (124 – 122) + (183 – 124) + (183 – 41) + (41 – 14)
 12 + 2 + 31 + 24 + 2 + 59 + 142 + 27
= 299

Total head movements incurred while servicing these requests
= (183 – 53) + (183 – 14)
= 130 + 169
= 299

C Look Scheduling
C Look Algorithm is similar to C-SCAN algorithm to some extent. In this algorithm, the arm of the disk moves outwards servicing requests until it reaches the highest request cylinder, then it jumps to the lowest request cylinder without servicing any request then it again start moving outwards servicing the remaining requests.
It is different from C SCAN algorithm in the sense that, C SCAN force the disk arm to move till the last cylinder regardless of knowing whether any request is to be serviced on that cylinder or not.

                 Consider a disk queue with requests for I/O to blocks on cylinders 98, 183, 41, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67. The C-LOOK scheduling algorithm is used. The head is initially at cylinder number 53 moving towards larger cylinder numbers on its servicing pass. The cylinders are numbered from 0 to 199. The total head movement (in number of cylinders) incurred while servicing these requests is _______.

= 12 + 2 + 31 + 24 + 2 + 59 + 169 + 27
= 326

Total head movements incurred while servicing these requests
= (183 – 53) + (183 – 14) + (41 – 14)

= 130 + 169 + 27
= 326

Try to solve the above methods with 200 cylinders i.e initial track =0 and final track = 199
Disk queue track nos : 23  89  132  42  187 
initial head position is at position 100 

Total seek time in FCFS = 421
Total seek time in SSTF = 273
Total seek time in SCAN = 275
Total seek time in C-SCAN = 387
Total seek time in LOOK = 255
Total seek time in C-LOOK  = 317

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